MAF May Challenge

Welcome Co-Pilots to the MAF May Challenge! We are Marcel and Kelly Boers, missionaries with Mission Aviation Fellowship! Do you like airplanes? Would you like to travel the world one day? Do you like to help others--including other kids in some of the poorest countries in the world?

Then buckle up your seat belts, because you've come to the right spot! In the MAF May Challenge we challenge you to collect spare change to help us (Marcel and Kelly) get out on to the "mission field" where we will be serving overseas! With your help, Marcel can fix airplanes that help deliver food, school supplies, medications, and more to families in very poor or isolated communities! And with a little spare change every day, Kelly can teach kids like you half way across the world. 
Marcel (Aircraft Maintenance Engineer) and Kelly Boers (Teacher),
Missionaries with MAF Canada 
So, just print off an MAF May Challenge Calendar and get started collecting spare change each day in a fun way! You will also learn more about MAF along the way! You can find everything you need here:
You can even print off and put together your own MAF plane collection box!

Send in your donations to MAF by June 7th, and you will be entered into a draw for some cool prizes!